Stone of Help Community Development Corp.
Welcome to the Stone of Help Community Development Corporation. Thank you for believing as we do that working together, we can make our community a better place for all. We hope you find a way to partner with us to make our vision a reality.
Our Vision
To enhance the quality of life for families in Prince George's County
Our Mission
To provide families with the tools and resources to actively participate in transforming their lives
All that we do is rooted in our faith. We believe that our faith is the guiding principle in all that we do to serve the individuals and families in our communities.
Family is at the root of our community. We seek to care for individuals of all ages through future planning, effective parenting, and caregiving in the 21st Century.
We seek to provide solutions for the economic and social stresses on families by providing financial literacy, education, and referral services to predict, plan, and maximize their income potential in pursuit of realistic goals.
We seek to provide solutions for the health and wellness of families by encouraging mental and physical well-being services and referrals.

Financial Literacy
We seek to provide solutions for some of the economic and social stresses on families by providing financial literacy education and referral services to predict, plan, and maximize their income potential in pursuit of realistic goals.

We seek to improve the economic surroundings and promote entrepreneurship by providing focused training, technical assistance, and support business start-ups and expanding businesses.

We seek to improve and restore neighborhoods by providing homeownership opportunities with training programs, counseling, and other resources to inform and empower families.

Workforce Education
We seek to provide solutions for some of the economic and social stresses on families by providing workforce education and services to maximize employment for the underemployed and unemployed.